Displaying 151 - 180 of 289
Sail number Boat name Owner Start year Finish year Club Photo Location Notes
All owners 3 463 Blondie John Rawson 2018 Shearwater SC Warminster Change of Ownership Form dated 30/05/18
All owners 3 462 Corweel David Nash 1972 Derryinver Letterfrack Co Galway Ireland Current ownership confirmed by D Nash email
All owners 5 460 Peter Simpson 2016 York
All owners 5 460 Naiad eBay advert 2014 Didcot http://tinyurl.com/lcncurd on eBay
All owners 5 460 Naiad John Palmer 2001 Luton
All owners 1 458 Sea Urchin Kenneth Wallace 2006 Donaghadee Sailing Club Feb 2010
Bought set of second hand sails
All owners 6 455 Dantie John Gush 2017 TSC Thornbury Ownership transferred fromDel Jeffrey
All owners 1 450 Emma J.S. Cran Truro, Cornwall
All owners 4 443 Tru Grit Geoff Honey Gravesend S.C Kent
All owners 4 441 Bizz'M Yves Jambon 2008 Dinard
All owners 6 433 Daisy Dennis Holden 2009 Shoreham, West sussex I have just acquired a YWDB that was lying abandoned at Sussex YC in Shoreham, W More ...
All owners 6 433 Ladyhawke Stewart Moxham
Preston Gunter rig
All owners 2 431 Rejoyce K.G. Dyer 1976 Wimborne
All owners 6 428 Nippa Brian Homer 2011 Birmingham
All owners 2 427 James Taylor 2016 From Facebook posting
All owners 2 427 Chaos David Nobes 1988
Oxford David has died. His grandaughter writes: -

I am contacting you in relation to More ...
All owners 4 426 Shenandoah Hugh Brading 2008 North Devon Recently purchased 426 in a very poor state. Replaced 14 broken ribs on Friday.
More ...
All owners 4 426 Shenandoah Brian P. Collins 1974 Arnside S C Yorks Gunter rig
All owners 1 425 Daystar John Ashley Norfolk
All owners 1 421 Vagablond II Bruce W Dreyer 1982 New York
All owners 1 419 Festina David Williams 1998 Aberystwyth
All owners 5 415 Murphy Mike Broughton 2015 RNSA Lymington
All owners 5 415 Larus Stephen Doman 2010 PYC Poole
All owners 4 413 Sparkle Graham Bolger 2017 Poole YC Poole
All owners 4 412 Beeswax Martin Dixon 2005 Hereford No longer owned by 2013
All owners 2 407 Deva P G Barnett 1976
Kingsbridge Estuary 22/1/2011 Still owned by Peter Barnett
All owners 2 407 Deva A G Farrell 1966 GSC
All owners 2 401 Diem Andrew Legerton 2020 Tollesbury Essex Taken over ownership from father David
All owners 4 398 Cindie L G Tunnicliff 1972 Mengeham Rithe SC
All owners 2 397 Yo Yo Steve Cotterill 2006 Derbyshire